MM SKI SPORT – škola skijanja i snowboarda
- 📱+381 62 816 41 47; +381 62 88 28 568
- ✉
Doživite nezaboravno iskustvo uz jedinstven način učenja, kroz zabavu uz zagarantovanu bezbednost.
Iskoristite kvalitet i iskustvo naših instruktora i unapredite Vaše tehnike skijanja i snowborda, čak i pre nego stanete na skije. Kao i svaka druga sportska aktivnost , skijanje i snowboard se najbolje uče kada se uče na pravi način, od samog početka, sa profesionalnim instruktorima. Svi naši instruktori imaju potrebne licence za obuku skijanja ili snowboarda. Mnogi od njih imaju najveće skijaške kvalifikacije, a sa politikom kontinuiranog obrazovanja i obuke mi vam garantujemo najviši nivo nastave.
Za najmlađe skijaše pripremili smo posebno ograđen poligon sa kreativnim rekvizitima i maskotu Medu. Za one skijaše, koji su već uspešno savladali plave staze, nudimo napredniji program obuke skijanja i snowboarda, kako u grupnoj tako i individualnoj nastavi.
Pored obuke skijanja i snowboarda za decu i odrasle, MM SKI-SPORT je pripremio za Vas i zabavu na stazi posle skijanja. Doživite avanturu extremnim spustom niz stazu na sankama SNAKE GLISS.
Škola skijanja i snowboarda
Konak “Maglic” 402
36354 Kopaonik
Republika Srbija
m: +381 62 816 41 47
m: +381 062 88 28 568
Ski škole | MM Ski Sport
The price is relatively high for both lessons and equipment. Because of this, one might expect high-quality service, but there’s no need to rush.
Regarding the lessons:
1. They may tell you that you’ll have a Russian-speaking instructor, but in the end, you might find out that the instructor speaks only English. This is a significant issue, as neither the instructor’s English nor yours may be perfect.
2. They offer the worst possible time slot for lessons—12:00 to 14:00. This means you’ll have to pay for a full day at Kopaonik instead of just half a day.
3. The instructor speaks as if we were in a classroom, but in reality, we are outdoors, surrounded by a crowd with helmets on. He should speak louder, but their instructors fail to do so.
Regarding the equipment:
1. Initially, they confuse you about whether they have jackets and trousers. Some employees are unaware that they even provide them. Fortunately, they do, but the clothing is worn out and has holes. (Keep in mind that renting this equipment for one day for two people costs 8,000 RSD.)
2. They gave me the worst possible ski boots, making my skiing experience miserable. I couldn’t stand properly due to severe foot pain. Be sure to double-check everything yourself—do not rely on them.
3. The location of this place is terrible. You have to walk for 10–15 minutes in uncomfortable ski boots, navigating car roads and poorly maintained streets. This is physically exhausting and, in my case, particularly painful.
Final Verdict:
I strongly advise you NEVER to use MM SKI SKOLA services. This was one of the worst experiences I’ve had—do not repeat my mistake.
Bili smo od 13-18 marta 2016,g,sve pohvale za skolu ,lepo je organizovano i,brinu o bezbednosti dece,Nasi instruktori su bili Irena i Branko dobri pedagozi, odlicni ,intruktori i deca ih brzo zavole.
Veliki pozdrav od Ane Jovanovic .